Connecticut Innovations, Inc. Solar Panel Inspections

Aztech Engineers, Inc. is the primary Inspector of photovoltaic system installations funded by the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund. As part of our responsibilities we travel to the four corners of the state and review the installations installed by Certified electricians.
With a thorough knowledge of the DC to AC inverter systems and with much design experience, Aztech Engineers, Inc. is highly sought after as consultants and inspector of solar systems both before and after the projects are complete. Our advice has been invaluable to many municipalities within Connecticut and elsewhere regarding the installation of photovoltaic/ grid connected systems.
The inspections include not only residential and small commercial photovoltaic array examinations (up to 10 kW in size), but also large commercial systems. Our recent review of Yale University's dormitory rooftop equipment at Fisher Hall constituted our largest system inspection to date (at approximately 40 kW). Our inspection / review expertise along with experience in design of rooftop systems puts Aztech Engineers, Inc. at the top of the list for solar know-how in the Northeast.
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