Additions to Peck Place and Racebrook Schools

Orange, CT
Orange Public Schools undertook two school addition projects. Both were approximately 5,000 square feet. One addition was at the Peck Place School and the other at Racebrook School.
The projects received funding from the State of Connecticut Department of Education and went through the Bureau of School Facilities (BSF) review and approval process.
These additions consisted mainly of classroom space. The Board of Education requested that, to the furthest extent possible, the additions be integrated into the existing buildings’ mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems.
Racebrook school was not fully sprinklered. In order to meet the BSF requirements the additions had to include fire protection and sprinkler systems. Because of the expansion an additional system was required. A new service was brought into the building that had to be large enough to feed the rest of the school at a future date.
The construction of these additions did not in any way disrupt the operation of the schools.
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